1 of the document I had not made any manual changes to p. Today, before adding that source to Zotero, I had made some minor modifications to other footnotes (on p. This "You have modified" problem has happened before - and when it does, I have always quit out of Word, not knowing what changes would occur if I clicked either Yes or No. Within about a minute (while I took a screen shot of the "You have modified" message, I got an error message (see the screen shot). I did not know whether to click "Yes" or "No" (because I had no idea which footnote the message was referring to, and I didn't want a random footnote to be altered without my knowledge or ability to fix it). No footnote was highlighted on that page (that I could see). The weird thing is that along with the "You have modified" message, the word file of my manuscript jumped to p. 158, when I got that "You have modified" message. I was then in the process of adding a second citation to that source, also on p. I had inserted a citation (using the zotero Word plugin, as usual) to that source on p. Today I was adding a new citation using zotero and received a problematic message, saying "You have modified this citation." (there is a screen shot of this message, and the error message that arose right afterward, in dropbox - here is a link): I use a Mac running OS 10.8.5 using Firefox 27.0 and zotero within Firefox. I am working on a book manuscript of 385 pages in length, where all the footnotes have been inserted via zotero.